Natalie and the Pupil (Sexual Scenes) - from the Natalie Porn Dream Collection

Natalie entered the classroom. It was her first day teaching and she felt exhilarated at the thought of spreading knowledge to others and being a role model. They were 18; she was 30. And she was unlike any other teacher they have ever seen.
She had long beautiful blond hair that ended a little below her vivacious over-extended round breasts which she revealed through a tight blouse. She had dreamy green eyes that she further enhanced with a dark mascara and foggy shades of brown. Her lips full and a bit exaggerated on her face were accented by a light pink glossy lipstick. And finally her mini skirt revealed an unparalleled beauty of her long gorgeous legs further enhanced by the high heels that clicked as she walked from one side of the room to the other, making all boys gasp, skipping heartbeat.
She took out her tiny laptop and projected it to the wall through the projector.
“Greetings class.” She said. “Today’s lesson is on supply and demand. We will go over some aspects that make our economy what it is. Please feel free to take notes, and save your questions until the end.”
“What if I have a question now?” Someone said from the back of the class.
“You raise your hand first.” Natalie said. A hand hesitantly went up.
“What is your name?” Natalie asked.
“What do you want it to be, baby?” Natalie heard the “hand” say.
“Jermaine. His name is Jermaine.” Someone helped.
“Fuck you being my spokesman, bitch?” Jermaine said and got up with fists ready for a fight.
“Take your seat please.” Natalie said politely but affirmatively.
She remembered that name. She was warned by the guidance counselor of this student, the big trouble-maker who sent every teacher before her crying out of the classroom or fired for tough discipline. Jermaine sat in the back and caused trouble either with the other kids or with the teacher.
Jermaine slowly took his seat.
Natalie hesitated. “In fact, I want you to sit near me, right here, where I can see you.” She said pointing on the desk.
“The fuck?” said Jermaine. “Why you gotta move me for?”
Natalie made her eyes fuzzy like she was getting high. “So I can marvel at your beauty.” She said, revealing a small tongue that quickly licked her lips.
The class did not see the tongue but laughed at her open sense of humor. Jermaine though, did pay attention and did not miss her sexual expression nor her sexual appeal. He got up. “Well, if it’s like that.” He said, laughing and dancing his way up to the front of the class.
As soon as he took his seat, he dropped something and went to pick it up. As he did that, he slowly eyed Natalie’s legs all the way up to her breasts. Natalie felt an incredible amount of energy from his stare and shrugged all over. She felt naked at his public and indulgent display of mental violation of her.
As soon as he sat up straight, Natalie jumped at him, putting her knuckles down on the desk, her mouth inches away from his mouth. “Now listen and listen good.” She said with affirmative tone becoming more and more authoritative. “I am watching you and if I don’t like what I see, I’ll have you suspended for the smallest thing. You don’t care about yourself but the rest of this class including myself do. Let me rephrase this, we care not about you but about ourselves. The difference between success in life and homelessness is this class, this school, this education. So if you disrupt it – is a right you can exercise by yourself on your own time in your own house in front of your mama. I ain’t your mama, so keep your lips shut unless you want to say something relevant to whatever the fuck I’m teaching.”
The class froze in a spell-bound silence. Jermaine was shocked beyond any ability to return any relevant and powerful comeback. He was quiet the remainder of the lesson.
When the class was over and all kids left, Natalie noticed that Jermaine was still at his desk, pretending to be looking for something in his backpack. “The class is over, Jermaine.” Natalie said to him. Jermaine got up slowly, staring into her eyes, his eyes commanding his own authority over her. “You can get yourself arrested, lady.” He said with a small smile. “Teachers aren’t allowed to talk to their students like that. You feel me?”
Natalie tried to ignore his stare that began to make her uncomfortable. “What else are teachers not allowed to do with students?” She asked and before he could say anything dirty as she sensed it from his intent stare and smile, she added: “If you don’t like it, drop it.”
Jermaine shrugged his shoulders, moved his head to the right and to the left as if sizing her up for the next course of action and waived at her. “Nah, this shit ain’t worth it.” He said and left the class.
Natalie collected her things and left home, thinking about Jermaine and what she was going to do with him. On the one hand, she was new in school and wanted to be seen as a problem-solver and not a complainer, but on the other hand, Jermaine acted so freely and exhibited too much power over her that she was afraid other kids would follow his lead or worse if he ratted her out to the principle for being too tough. He was such a nuisance she thought. What on earth would she do about it?
She opened the door to her loft and dropped her bag on the chair near the entrance. Her feet hurt from standing all day on her heels and she took her shoes off, leaving them in the middle of the room. She was tired and needed to relax.
She went into the bathroom, put on water for the bathtub and lit up several candles. Natalie dropped a few salts and oils into the water to make it smell and taste good, so she could also relax her tired body. She dialed buttons on her smart house iPad and Karunesh music softly enveloped the room. She was ready. She took off her clothes and submerged into water. It felt so soft and gentle on her body that she couldn’t get enough of it. She felt happy inside it, away from annoying teachers and students. Natalie stayed submerged in the water until she had to breathe and came out with a deep exhale. She looked around. The darkness of the room was lit up by the peaceful candle light and the gentle sounds of Zen instruments made her mind turn off and leave all thoughts that were bothering her prior. Except for one. Jermaine’s eyes. Natalie tried to ignore her thoughts. She picked up a loofah, leathered it with aromatic scrubs and soaps and began to wash her legs. She picked one up and admired its softness, strength and length. It was so beautiful, she thought, leathering her thighs and working her way to her feet and then upward again. If only Jermaine were here to see. She caught herself at this thought and shook her head. Wow, what on earth? Horrible, horrible Natalie. You can’t think like that. Stop it.
She turned to the scrub and began to leather her chest and neck going up and down her body. She closed her eyes, feeling excited at touching herself and saw Jermaine’s smile. Stop it, damn it. She said to herself. She looked around the room again. I am alone, she thought. Besides, this is only in my head. Who would know? And with a wicked smile, she put her right hand between her legs and drifted into wildest of imaginations.
The next day Jermaine came in and sat down in his old spot. Natalie walked in and saw him sitting there. “Was I not clear the first time?” She said as soon she put her bag down. She walked down to the end of the classroom, crossed her hands at the chest like an army captain and stretched her head at him. “One foot over the other, now!” She commanded him.
“You know,” Jermaine said slowly, playing with something in his hand, his gaze fully engrossed on whatever he was playing with. “I don’t like your tone.”
“And I don’t like you.” Natalie said. “Get out of my class now.” She said and pointed at the door.
Jermaine got up and left.
The next day he did not show up to class. Nor the day after. Three days Jermaine did not come to class. Natalie still held his seat in the front and didn’t let anyone take it. She felt horrible at sending him out like that and began to miss his presence. After all, she needed to fill her fantasies with his face during her bath-time and she was beginning to forget what he looked like. All she recalled now was that he was tall, black, with a nicely built back and puffed-up arms and long fingers that she imagined caressing her nipples, and those piercing eyes and the smile, all of whom commanded so much authority over her that she felt weak when he looked at her. The weakness that she liked, being a strong and powerful woman all her life.
On the fourth day Jermaine came to class and sat down where Natalie had assigned him to sit. He looked at her with hate and despise.
She was discussing different economic systems and comparing them. He decided to pay attention to find something in her teaching that he could laugh at or make fun of. He wanted to let her have it real bad. Natalie divided the class into two teams that ended up on a desert island and had to find ways to survive. She introduced them to bartering, currency, creation of government, welfare for the children, the elderly and the disabled, and many other economic terms. Jermaine realized he was very interested in the topic and to his discontent noticed that he was being drawn to Natalie’s ways of making challenging issues become easy to comprehend and accept. The class was over but Jermaine felt like he wanted to hear more. For the first time in all of his classes he felt the fire of craving to learn.
The next day Jermaine was first to arrive to class and take his seat. As soon as Natalie began discussion of supply and demand, he was in total captivation of her teaching. Natalie was changing all of his perceptions. And he started to associate her with the fountain of knowledge that he was so thirsty to take in.
In no time Jermaine became Natalie’s best student and exhibited an incredible amount of dedication to her class and learning. Now, Natalie and he exchanged many exciting heated debates, jokes and conversations, expanding the world around them and students’ understanding of the subject matter. He got good grades and stayed after class to ask additional questions.
There was almost a tangible bond between them and Natalie began to notice that the bond was becoming tighter than appropriate. She wanted him now real bad and all of her thoughts during class, before and after were filled with Jermaine. She daydreamed about him making love to her and imagined what it would be like to be fucked by a younger man with a different skin color. She fantasized about him all the time and whenever he looked at her would instantly get wet.
Natalie also noticed that Jermaine was now becoming unfocused, daydreaming and not paying attention any more. She would notice him sometimes looking at her, his eyes hazy as if there was a different reality in his eyes. She would often call onto him for participation but get a “can you please repeat the question” reply. Then one day everything changed. He came to class and sat down in the back again.
Natalie ignored it meanwhile the whole class found it important to look at each other throwing wondering glances. When the class was dismissed, Natalie stopped Jermaine from leaving and asked him to see her at her office. He inhaled deeply and left without as much as acknowledging her request.
But during her office hour, she heard a knock, and when she said to come in, she saw him standing in the door way. His glance was full of anger and bitterness.
She pointed for him to sit down.
He did.
“I ain’t got much time though.” He said.
Natalie inhaled deeply and crossed her fingers into a ball. She lowered her head on them. “I don’t understand.” She said sadly. “You were doing so well. I was so proud of you.”
“No you wasn’t.” Jermaine said looking at the window. “Anyway, fuck proud. Who fucking cares.”
“How the hell do you know what I am or am not?” Natalie fired at him.
“You don’t care.” Jermaine shouted at her. “Whatever.” He said, getting up and grabbing his backpack. He was about to open the door, but Natalie ran up to him and closed the door. She locked it and showed him the key. “You are not going anywhere until we resolve this.” She said.
He laughed and shook his head. “You see. That’s what you fucking do. Every fucking time. And you expect me not to…..”
She looked at him bewildered. “Not to what?”
He didn’t answer but looked at her, his glance suddenly measuring not more than an inch of a distance between them. Feeling his gaze fixated at their closeness, Natalie instinctively moved back but realized her back was at the door and there was no room to move further. Oh this is so weird, she thought. Why did I ever allow myself to think about him like that? Natalie realized it was hard for her to tap into the wisdom tank and do the right thing, the thing that a good teacher would do. She desperately tried to think. Her body, however, could not help feeling tense and excited from standing so closely to Jermaine and almost feeling his breath on her cheek.
“Not to what?” She repeated and to her own surprise made a soft moan.
Instantly, even before she could have realized what she had done and the effect it had on Jermaine, the reality became hotter than any of her most intimate private fantasies: Jermaine stretched out his long hand to her legs, went up her thighs, roughly moved her bikini and as if finally finding the holy grail, stuck his big fat fingers into her femininity. She instantly pulled to him and their lips met in a violent exchange of finally revealed feelings that they both kept hidden for a very long time. Jermaine noticed how wet she was and began pounding her with his fingers, hard and quick and while wrapping her mouth with his giant lips and tongue, also took his other hand and began to caress her breast.
“It is true what they say!” Natalie said. “I can already see why once you go black you never come back.” She giggled. Jermaine forced her to be quiet by kissing her even more so passionately. Natalie lost control of her knees. “I am so weak.” She said.
“Wait until I fuck you baby.” Jermaine answered and Natalie suddenly woke up from the reality.
“Wait.” She said trying to move his hands off her body. Jermaine moved the arm away from her breast, but kept his other hand deep inside her, as if unable to stop.
“Are you sure?” He asked her, while continuing to finger her up and down slower now.
“Yes.” She said slowly. It was hard to speak, let alone to think. She did not want this to stop. It was so good, but so wrong. Jermaine wasn’t listening. He kept on going up and down her while looking into her eyes. That look again. Natalie felt excited double time. She wanted him inside her to the point it began to hurt. But she was a teacher and he was a student and this was wrong.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Natalie said. “Please.”
Jermaine moved his hand slightly and rested his finger on her clitoris. He kept on looking at her while massaging her insides.
“Jermaine,” Natalie said, half closing her eyes in absolute ecstasy, her mouth beginning to exert quiet moaning sounds.
“Yes, baby.” He answered and kissed her neck. “I like how you say my name. I love how wet you are, baby. And I love it how you’re begging me to stop. But I can’t.”
“Why not?” Natalie said breathing hard and moaning louder.
“Because I’ve been so fucking crazy about you and baby, I know you want me too. I can see it in your eyes now. Now I can see it. But before… Baby, it was so hard to resist you. It was so hard to focus in your class, when all I was focusing on was how deep your beautiful flower is.”
Natalie moaned louder.
Jermaine continued caressing her clit and breast. “I can show you the world, love. Just give me a chance.”
Natalie used all of her strength to pull away and turned from him but he caught her with his back to the door and her back pushed against his chest. He lowered her down and unzipped his pants. Natalie sighed, breathing louder, moaning, her entire body shivering and dancing to his beat.
“Ms. Johnson. I have a gift for you.” He said.
“Jermaine.” She managed to utter. Her wanting him inside her clouded her judgement. She could not think straight.
“Here.” Jermaine said. “Touch it.”
He took her hand and pushed it back so she would touch his cock. Slowly she grabbed it at his tip then slid her hand down a few inches, then a few more, and a few more until she reached his balls. Natalie sighed. She realized it was of an enormous size. It was long and fat and harder than any cock she has ever felt before.
She felt ecstatic and scared at the same time.
Jermaine slipped a condom over his cock and pushed Natalie’s back forward.
“Do I have your permission, Ms. Johnson?” He asked, mocking authority.
“Only one time and you are not allowed to tell anyone.” Natalie answered.
He released a blow of air into her ear behind her. “Yes, ma’am.”
He spit at his hand, then moistened the condom with the spit and began to enter her.
“Jermaine.” Natalie moaned.
“Yes, ma’am?” Said Jermaine, stopping for a second.
“This one time, okay?” Natalie said. “We will never do this again.”
“As you say, Ms. Johnson.” Said Jermaine and entered her fully.
And slowly, filling every inch of her with him, he penetrated not just her entrance, but her entire world. Natalie never experienced such energy, such passion, such strength and vigor.
Jermaine began to rock in and out of her. At the same time he grabbed all of her blonde silky hair into a pony tail and held it with one hand, gently tagging it. His other hand moved around Natalie’s hips and onto her clitoris and he began to caress it with his entire hand.
For a few minutes Natalie forgot everything: who she was and who he was, her obligations to the society and profession, her inappropriate behavior. She felt weak and losing control and for the first time in a very long time drowned in the pleasure of that feeling.
“Jermaine…” She moaned again.
“Yes ma’am.” Jermaine said while looking down at his cock and enjoying the sight of it entering her from behind. She had a small asshole that pinched from ecstasy. Jermaine moved his hand from her clitoris into her asshole.
“Fuck…. Jermaine.” Natalie moaned louder.
“Yes, baby.” Jermaine said, beginning to fuck her harder now.
Natalie was becoming overwhelmed. The pounding of her g-spot was driving her crazy. She began to feel like her entire insides were about to erupt in a violent flow of emotion.
“Jermaine?” She said again.
“Talk to me, baby. Tell me anything you want me to do to you.”
Natalie exhaled a sweet moan. “Maybe we can do this one more time again.” She finally uttered. This was too fucking good to only enjoy once. She had to have him again.
“Baby, I’ll fuck you anytime you want.” Jermaine said. He moved his hand from her hair and squeezed her nipple. Natalie wanted to scream from ecstasy. This was just too overwhelming.
“I want you to come to my place after school tomorrow.” She said.
“I got you, baby.” Jermaine said.
Natalie thought and smiled: and if you don’t, I’ll fail you, motherfucker.
When they finally finished, there was a prominent smell of sex in the air of her tiny office. She opened the window and sprayed perfume she had in her purse.
Jermaine left first. After some time Natalie followed. They were careful not to be seen but Natalie regretted the incident and felt stupid for allowing it to take place. She came home, feeling both super uplifted and at the same time being pulled by the feeling of guilt. She took a quick shower, made a quick salad and gulped it down hungrily with a glass of red wine. All she could feel was Jermaine’s hands on her body and an incredibly delicious sourness between her legs. He felt amazing inside her. She felt rejuvenated and recharged. But she knew this was wrong and tomorrow she had to tell him it was over.
The next day Jermaine came to class late and sat down at his seat in the front. Natalie pretended that his lateness didn’t anger her more than it did and attempted to proceed the class in his presence same as she did prior to his appearing. But it was close to impossible. She wondered if she looked hot enough, if he was looking at her, if he was paying attention and if amid all of her wondering, she was actually good at teaching the class and staying on-track.
When the class was over, she asked Jermaine to visit her during the office hours. Jermaine smiled familiarly, his eyes indicating confidence of his amazing performance that called for an encore. “Yeah.” He said, smiling. “I’ll be there.”
But when the bell rang for the last class of the day, which thankfully was Ms. Johnson’s office hour, Jermaine did not show up. Natalie sat waiting for him, minute after minute, sinking into an aura of anger, then sadness, then devastation. She was so determined to end their silly relationship and prepared to keep herself calm, cool and collected, unyielding to his charm and strong hands that felt so natural on her body. But when he failed to show up, she felt like he was standing her up, showing his indifference and lack of interest. And that began to drive her mad. Suddenly she felt like she wasn’t good enough. Did he not like her? Was he ending with her because she wasn’t good enough? Was there another girl? And Natalie, who was the Queen of a good time, an expert at sex, a person of many partners, sophistication and pride, began to feel like she was losing her touch. What if she was old enough for him? Was it that her skin wasn’t tight enough? Was it that her kissing wasn’t on par with the skillful teens of this generation? Maybe her beauty was something different he rushed to experiment as a one-time collection prize? A collection prize of a thirty-year old cougar, any 18-year old boy’s faint dream, just so he could brag to his friends about in a drunken bar.
Natalie went home sad and broken. She emptied a bottle of red, while listening to some sad songs, and slipped into her bed sheets. She got a text on her phone from her thirty-five-year-old casual fuckboy and ignored it. She did not want a 35-year-old. She wanted Jermaine. A young strong 18-year old Jermaine so she could once again feel young and beautiful as in wanted by a younger kid.
The next day Natalie wore the skimpiest most provocative clothing she could find in her closet. She received a myriad of compliments from the teen girls and got some stares from the boys. She finally felt reassured; she was still in the game. She was hot.
Jermaine walked into the class and to Natalie’s indignation wore a big red lipstick smooch on his cheek. Natalie tried to ignore it but couldn’t. She got angry and felt betrayed.
“Today I will be giving you a surprise test.” She heard herself say, and realizing she wasn’t prepared with any test material, asked the class to take out a clean loose-leaf and write the definitions of all the economic terminology they have learned thus far.
“Barter, currency, political system, economic system, welfare.” She went on and on, exerting her anger on the class, particularly Jermaine, who seemed to be completely aloof. He did not seem to notice the abruptness in her movements, the directness of her language, the wardrobe she wore. Nothing. As if she did not exist. As if it wasn’t him two days ago, making her feel like a queen. As if the past did not exist. Or perhaps it existed but in his world, it meant nothing and was erased and forgotten forever.
Jermaine finished the test first and casually left the class as the bell rang. Natalie watched him as he made a turn at the door with some chic at his side, pulling him to her, making out.
Natalie fired up with anger filling every cell of her body. How could he?
She tried to ignore it and put him in the past but couldn’t. Her wound was too deep and too fresh to be forgotten. She felt old and defective. She was his toy of curiosity, nothing less and nothing more. And for the first time in her very experienced life, she felt cheap and used. She came home, emptied another bottle and texted her casual fuck that she wasn’t feeling it and needed some time alone. With no miracles in sight, her casual thirty-five-year-old fuck toy accepted her decline and let her be. Natalie took forever to fall asleep that night and came to school dejected and exhausted.
She carried on her class trying to be as exciting as she normally was, but her passion was lessened. Her spark was gone. She sounded like every other teacher, formal and detached.
When she sat during her office hour, grading her pupils’ tests, she heard a knock on the door and her heart literally skipped a beat. She composed herself, hiding her happiness, trying to appear serious and pedagogical and firmly said: “Come in.”
To her dismay it was not Jermaine but another student. Natalie tried her best to appear happy to see her and spent the next several minutes discussing some material for the mid-term.
When the girl left, there was another knock and Natalie ignored it. She wanted to be left alone to her thoughts, to her daydreaming of her mind repeating over and over her sweet time with Jermaine. Her mind drifting into the details of their rendezvous, was too preoccupied to notice the door open and someone enter.
“Ms. Johnson.” She heard a familiar voice say, and she lifted her eyes off the paper. Jermaine was standing over her and it took her a second to comprehend that he was there, not just in her imagination, but in the truthful reality.
Natalie tried to compose herself again but got confused. She wasn’t sure she could pull off being angry for she was too overcome with his presence in her office, the same office that bore witness to their intimate time together. She wanted to know why he was there. Did he come to apologize or to break her heart with some disgusting news of him not being interested. Why was he there?
“Yes, Jer….mai…ne.” She said, realizing it was hard for her to call him by his name.
“I’m sorry I didn’t show up to your office hours yesterday.” He said. “I was a bit….preoccupied with some other stuff.”
“Hmmm….” She said, “let me guess, you were kidnapped by your girlfriend that left that big red kiss on your face?” Natalie said, unable to hide her jealousy.
Jermaine laughed. “Yeah… sort of…” He said.
Natalie felt a new wave of wrath overcome her. He wasn’t even hiding it!
She looked at him long and hard. Long enough to remember who she was once was, the queen of the game, the expert lover, the expert at playing a game of push and pull, someone who broke many hearts, always staying ahead of the game, breaking up with men sixty seconds before they broke her heart, salvaging everything and keeping nothing. And she looked at him hard enough to remind herself that maybe the twelve years she had on him translated into countless expertise at still knowing how to come out a winner.
“How can I help you today?” She asked him, making herself sound as formal and serious as possible, at the same time adding a slight casual politeness that offered detachment and indifference.
“I… I just wanted to know… how I did on the test today.” Jermaine said, his voice casual and cool.
Natalie made a mental note. Player.
She looked at the papers on the desk and put on her glasses. “I haven’t gotten to your test yet.” She said as a matter-of-fact. “When I do, you will be the first to know.” She said. “You will have your test grade tomorrow.”
Jermaine stood in her office for another moment, fidgeted a bit, picked up his backpack and bounced.
“Asshole.” She said as the door behind him closed.
The next few days Natalie used all of her strength to continue with the class as normal, forcing herself not to think of him. She was experienced enough to know that with patience and display of equal disinterest, her prey would materialize, sooner or later, in her case, sooner she thought, because she knew she was good and good is not an easy find on the streets.
And lo and behold, a week later, there he was standing in the doorway of her office, wondering if he could talk to her.
“What is it?” Natalie asked. She did not motion for him to close the door, nor sit down. Speak your troubles and get out was her tone of voice on occasion.
Jermaine closed the door, dropped his backpack on the floor by the chair and took a seat.
He pierced her eyes, quiet.
Oh, that’s good. Player. Now I can see right through your act.
“I am waiting, Mr. Brown.” Natalie played dumb, using his last name to put more distance between them. Distance, 12 years and a room full of electric energy.
Jermaine couldn’t help himself but giggle, looking up at her, like come on, you know what’s up, you know why I am really here.
Natalie shook her head. “If you don’t have anything to say, I do have to grade your papers.”
Jermaine shrugged as if saying go ahead, do what you gotta do, but he did not move a muscle and just sat there watching her quietly. Natalie put on her glasses, sorted papers on her desk and put the tests in a neat pile. She was doing everything mechanically, without thinking as her mind was occupied with what to do next. How to keep herself in control, not to show too much emotion and not to appear too robotic but she couldn’t focus on her thoughts. His presence began to annoy her.
“Why are you still here?” She snapped at him after a whole minute passed and he was still sitting there and looking.
“I think you know.” Jermaine answered.
“No, I do not.” Natalie responded. She waited but he was quiet. “Please tell me.” She said again.
“I thought…. We had…. A good time…” He started and stopped. He smiled. “You liked it?”
“We always have a good time.” Natalie said, watching Jermaine as he suddenly seemed to be misplaced in his own game, losing his footing. “We have interesting debates, discussions, I always try to make the class as alive and involved as possible. We always have a good time. Great time!”
Jermaine nervously laughed. “Ha-ha, yeah, that we do.” He thought a bit and found an opportunity. “Bet you are the best teacher in the whole school Ms. Johnson. You make a class exciting. Students wanna come to school and learn.”
Natalie politely nodded a thank you. Jermaine was quiet again. She lowered her eyes to the papers, then suddenly looked up. “Mr. Brown?”
Jermaine smiled again. “Look,” he said, “You know why I am here. We did have a good time. And I’d like to fuck you again.”
Natalie instantly turned red and wet and hated the effect his words had on her. But at the same time, she felt like she was a winner. He did want her. She still got it.
Playing into his game, however, was not something she was yet ready to do. She wanted to roast him. But how? How can I show him that he screwed up but not make a federal case out of it so he does not know how much power I am giving him?
Natalie moved her papers aside abruptly and stared at him. Jermaine began to feel uncomfortable.
“What you thinking, Ms. Johnson?” He said.
“Oh, I don’t know Mr. Brown. I may be thinking a lot of things. Or maybe I am not thinking anything at all.” Natalie’s anger, sadness, loss of confidence hit on her wave after wave. She fired up. “I could be thinking why I am talking to someone who instantly upon being with me dropped me like a bad habit and made sure I saw him with another girl. I could be thinking why he would do something so painful to me but then again, he is only a fuck toy, so what does it matter. I could be thinking if he has a girlfriend, why is he here with me instead? And what the fuck does he really want. But I know it would take a real man to know the answers to all of these questions, but that man is not you. So maybe I am not thinking any of it at all because, frankly, why waste time. Even you don’t know your own self, you are just a teen, and you are still learning. So why take me along on this journey when I have lived a life much longer to know who the fuck I am and what the fuck I need in life.”
Jermaine smiled again. He seemed to enjoy her fire, her anger. Natalie began to despise him. No matter what she said or did, he still managed to get on the top, playing this game with less emotion, less show and tell.
The bell rang. Instinctively Jermaine got up. Natalie felt a sting of sadness wash over her. It was time for him to leave and she would have unfinished business lingering in her mind until the next time he would approach her. She needed closure. But she did not want to show him how hurt she was. She said enough.
“Ms. Johnson.” Jermaine said. “Can we take this conversation outside? Please?”
Yes, good boy! That was good. Natalie felt overjoyed that he too wanted closure and she did mean something to him after all.
“I am on my way home.” She said. “I could give you a lift and we could talk in the car.”
Jermaine’s eyes smiled.
They gathered their things and walked down. Natalie pressed her keys at the convertible Mercedes and it opened. “Hot wheels.” Jermaine said.
“I know.” Natalie answered proudly.
They sat in the car. Natalie changed her glasses to shades. She knew she looked even hotter behind this hot ride than behind the desk and she noticed Jermaine’s stares at her. She felt good. Is your girlfriend hot like me? She remembered the song and smiled.
She turned on her AUX and started playing hot R&B music. The setting couldn’t have been more finesse. He was checking her out. His eyes slowly moved down her bare legs and up her torso and stopped at her breasts. They were so inviting he couldn’t move his gaze away. Natalie looked at him for a quick second and looked at the road. The singer’s voice and the instrumentals of the R&B filled in the silence in the car, enhancing their moods, bringing out hidden desires. They kept silent, each consumed with their thoughts. Finally, when Natalie stopped at the red light at a major intersection, she looked at Jermaine through her sunglasses and that was all he needed. He unbuckled himself and laid down horizontally, his head in between her legs. Natalie instantly lost control. She closed her eyes and forgot she was on the road, behind the wheel. She forgot she was mad at Jermaine. She forgot he was her student. She forgot everything she had said these passed two weeks, everything she felt and promised herself. Everything was washed away by incredible current of lust of the moment.
The light turned green but Natalie couldn’t find the strength to move. Cars behind her began to pump their horns and Jermaine looked up from under the wheel. “I think you better drive.” He said to her, awakening her into reality. And slowly, breathing hard and falling deeper and deeper into the desire, she pressed gas, forcing her eyes to stay open and focus on the road, she drove away. She did not get too far, when she parked the car away from main road and turned off the engine. “Fuck me!” She ordered him. “Now!”
They got to the back seat and he put her in the doggy style position. He put on a condom and entered her. “Yes, that’s right.” She said. “Fuck me.”
Jermaine fucked her softly, rocking in and out of her slowly, fucking her only with half of his tool, trying not to hurt her. Natalie got annoyed at him.
“Is that how you fuck your girlfriend?” She barked at him. “Well, that’s not how you gonna fuck me.” She said. “Harder.”
Jermaine began to fuck her a bit harder. Natalie wasn’t happy. “Is that all you got, pretty boy? I can’t feel your cock. It does not move me.” Jermaine circled her neck with his hand and began to choke her, while starting to pound her even harder.
“A sixty-year-old can fuck better than you.” Natalie shouted. “Now fuck me hard like I need to be fucked.”
Jermaine squeezed her hair and pulled it back. He released the other hand at her neck and moved it to her buns. He shook her cheek and landed a slap. “Harder.” Natalie said. He hit her again and moved deeper inside her. “Harder.” He slapped her again and moved deeper. “Harder!” He slapped her again and again and again. Finally, he pulled out of her, quickly removed the condom and moved her head toward his shooting cock. Natalie had no choice but to open her mouth as he forced his cock between her lips. “You suck that cock, bitch.” He said. “Suck it good.” When Natalie swallowed all to the last drop, Jermaine stretched out on the backseat.
“That was pretty damn good.” He said. “I can get used to that.”
Natalie got ready to lecture him on this never happening again, and to her own surprise uttered: “Well, you better get used to it, or I’ll fail you each time you don’t fuck me right.”
Jermaine smiled, his eyes surprised.
Natalie drove him home in silence and when he left, finally allowed herself to digest it. This was so wrong but it felt so right. She was lost and confused, learning something she never knew about herself. I am a monster.
The next day, Jermaine and Natalie met far from the parking lot. She picked him up in her car and they went for a drive. “Finger me.” She ordered him and he instantly complied. Driving while he was fingering her made her anxious and she wanted to stop but there were no secret hideouts. “I can’t focus on the road.” She said. “This is driving me crazy.”
Jermaine smiled. “I gotta do what I gotta do to pass your class, ma’am.”
He looked at her as she was moaning and closing her eyes while trying to look at the road and had an idea. “I have a driver’s license. Got it last year. Let me drive the car.” Natalie couldn’t think straight and agreed. They switched seats at the red light. Natalie did not buckle. She buried her head in his crutch and began sucking him. He held the wheel with his left hand and fingered her with his right.
Natalie licked his tip and swallowed him deep. Jermaine moaned and stuck his fingers deeper. Natalie felt even more excited and sucked him harder. She picked up her head and looked at his eyes. Then swallowed him again while never moving her eyes from his. “Am I better than your girlfriend?” She said.
“Baby, you are the best head I ever had.” Jermaine said, feeling the rush from both driving and pleasure that he was receiving from her mouth and hand.
“That’s right.” He told her. “Keep doing that. Good girl.”
Natalie felt triumphal. “I want you inside.” She said.
Jermaine shook his head no.
“Excuse me?” Said Natalie. “You are my fuck toy and you do what I say.”
Jermaine folded all of his hands inside her and stuck them deeper. Natalie began to breathe hard, unable to concentrate. He took two fingers out and stuck them into her asshole. Natalie released a loud shriek. She was reaching a peak of her ecstasy.
“Keep sucking me bitch.” Jermaine said. “I’ll fuck you when I decide you need to be fucked.” Natalie felt angry, losing her authority as his teacher, as a respected woman, but the pleasure he was creating with his fingers drove her mad, so mad she couldn’t imagine it stopping for even a second. She was completely under his spell and he ruled her. Natalie moaned louder and louder, her holes expanding and begging to be filled with him. Her juices began to pour out of her, her nipples got hard, her mouth was ever so skilled at bringing pleasure. She was reaching the next level. “I want you inside.” She heard herself beg. “Without the condom. I want to feel you skin to skin. I want to be filled by you completely.”
And when he finally entered her, she closed her eyes and said: “This is where you belong. Inside. Forever.” And he stayed inside her for as long as he could.
“Ms. Johnson.” Natalie heard Jermaine’s friend at the door of her office the next day. He was also tall, black and his body was even more ripped than his friend’s. “My grades aren’t what I would like them to be. Jermaine said you can help?” He said and Natalie noticed his zipper was open and a long big fat snake was slowly protruding and standing up at her.” Natalie spread her legs, feeling her chair getting wet.